Milan is the economic capital of Italy, one of the economic capitals of Europe and a global financial centre.

Duomo, Cathedral of Milan

The Cathedral brings to life in its smooth marble half a millennium of history, light filtering through from the glass-stained windows to the aisles and the priceless artworks within.

Castello Sforzesco

The Castello is also a place to enjoy in the open, pausing to take in the spectacular courtyards, embraced by the massive walls.

Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II

The Galleria Vittorio Emanuele, is a pleasure to walk through without haste, shielded by the glass and steel dome of its central Ottagono, enraptured by the charm of its stylish shop-windows.

The Fashion District – Quadrilatero della Moda

Most of the designer labels that have made ltalian style and fashion famous all over the world will be found on these streets.

Brera Art Gallery

Teatro alla Scala

La Scala have provided exhilarating emotions for enraptured audiences.

Navigli (canals)

The Navigli district is the ideal place for a romantic evening stroll along the city’s waterways.

Porta Nuova and Corso Como

Milano’s state-of-the-art architecture and its vibrant nightlife scene come together among the skyscrapers of Piazza Gae Aulenti and Corso Como

Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘The Last Supper’

Fascinated and intrigued art lovers and countless visitors for centuries.

Basilica di Sant’Ambrogio

One of the most beautiful examples of Romanesque architecture in Lombardy.

Milan is a love-it or hate-it destination. The city is Italy’s economic engine with more skyscrapers, wealth, and commerce than its neighbors. Throw in its gray winter weather and Milan doesn’t conform to the foreign fantasy of the Bel Paese. To love Milan is to appreciate what makes it unique in Italy, and uniquely Italian.

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